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Planning Board Minutes 03/22/2012

March 22, 2012
Out of Schedule Meeting – because of Town Meeting Schedule

Members & Staff Present:          Diane Chauncey (Secretary)    David Dubois (Member)     Mike Genest (Ex-officio)        Jesse Lazar (Vice-Chair)                  Charles Levesque (Member) Steve MacDonald (Member)    Martha Pinello (Member)               Sarah Vanderwende (Member)
Public Attendees:
Ashley Saari (Ledger/Transcript)

7:00 PM –Public Meeting

Reorganize Board – Election of new officers

Vice-Chair Lazar opened the meeting.

Motion: Nominate David Dubois for Chair
Motion made by: Charles Levesque   Seconded by: Martha Pinello       
Roll Call Vote:  Mr. Dubois, yes; Mr. Levesque, yes; Mr. Lazar, yes: Mr. Genest – abstain; Ms. Pinello, yes; Mr. MacDonald, yes; Ms. Vanderwende, yes.

Motion: Nominate Jesse Lazar for Vice-Chair
Motion made by: Vice-Chair Levesque   Seconded by: Ms. Vanderwende
Roll Call Vote:  Mr. Dubois, yes; Mr. Levesque, yes; Mr. Lazar, yes: Mr. Genest – no; Ms. Pinello, yes; Mr. MacDonald, yes; Ms. Vanderwende, yes.

After Mr. Dubois and Mr. Lazar changed seats, Mr. Dubois congratulated the newly elected Board members, Mr. Steve MacDonald and Ms. Sarah Vanderwende; and he recognized the outgoing members, Mr. Andrew Robblee and Mr. Scott Burnside.

Alternates update
The Secretary informed the Board that neither Mike Tatro nor Steve Schacht wished to continue as Alternates. It was suggested to post a notice  on Antrim’s list-serve, “News & Events” stating Alternates are needed for both Land Use Boards.
Action: Janet McEwen should be contacted (as she had expressed interest in 2011).

2012 Ex-Officio – Mike Genest was appointed as the Ex-officio at the Selectboard meeting of March 12, 2012.

January 4, 2012 Minutes
Motion: To approve the minutes.
Motion made by: Mr. Levesque; seconded by: Ms. Pinello
Vote: Unanimous to approve as amended
February 6, 2012
Motion: to approve the minutes.
Motion made by: Vice-Chair Lazar; seconded by:  Ms. Pinello
Discussion: Mr.  Levesque thought that the names of the speakers should be included in the text, as had been done in previous minutes. Mr. Lazar thought that the minutes were too long. A short discussion occurred.
Vote:  to table the February 6 minutes until the names of the speakers are added.

February 16, 2012
Motion:  To approve the minutes.
Motion made by: Vice-Chair Lazar; seconded by: Ms. Pinello
Vote: Unanimous to approve the February 16th minutes as amended

2012 Planning Board Schedule

  • Subdivision and Site Plan Regulations and Review – Checklist matching regulations
  • Master Plan – review and amend at least two chapters
  • Excavation  - Annual Review, Regulations, Checklist
  • Zoning Ordinance particularly PWSF – Public Hearings should occur earlier
  • Downtown and economic development
  • Highway Business District  
  • Capital Improvement Program
A discussion of the above projects ensued. The possibility of several sub-committees was discussed. By consensus, the Board agreed that Subdivision and Site Plan Review should be a high priority.

Proposed Projects Schedule:

  • April 5 – Excavation
  • April 19 – Site Plan Review and Subdivision Regulations
  • Legal Updates – March and September – sub-committee to be established
  • Capital Improvement Program – May 3 – Mr. Ben Pratt (Chair, CIP) and Mr. Haggett (Chair, Trustee of Trust Funds and CIP member) will explain the history of the Program and its future expectations.
  • Zoning Ordinance Amendments – October and November – establish dates before Thanksgiving and coordinate with the 2013 “Town Meeting” calendar
The Chair requested that the projects schedule should be reviewed often and should be included on the Agenda with each meeting schedule.
Legislative Updates for 2011
A sub-committee was appointed. Mr. Levesque and Ms. Vanderwende will review the significant legal updates and will report to the Board on April 19th.

Possible New Application for ZBA
The Board will discuss the application at the April 5th meeting.
The Board discussed the deficiencies in the present application form and certain requirements should be submitted in a different format. Example: A major site plan review application should be submitted in a 3-ring binder with a table of contents, as well as being submitted in electronic format. These requirements would need to be added to the current application.

Consultant Planner Invoices
Ms. Ogilvie had submitted two invoices:
Invoice # 03-02-2012.1  Town of Antrim Professional Services (5 meetings and travel time)
Invoice # 03-02-2012.2  Town of Antrim Professional Services (AT&T Plan Review and Staff Report for proposed Cell Tower at 56 Smith Road).
The Board reviewed the invoices.

Budget update
The budget as of February 29, 2012 was presented. No action taken, presented for informational purposes.

AT &T Update  
The official letter stating the withdrawal of the PWSF application was dated March 20, 2012. The Planning Board had not begun the Public Hearing process (due to adverse weather, the March 1st Public Hearing had been postponed) and therefore no action was needed.

Zoning Ordinance Changes
The Board reviewed the changes to be made to the Zoning Ordinance as a result of the March 13, 2012 vote. There was a short discussion concerning the words “amend” and “adopt” and their usage.
Action: Ms. Ogilvie will be consulted.

2012 Roster
The members received the Planning Board Member roster.


Monadnock Hydroelectric Project, Monadnock Paper Mills, Inc. Project # 6597-012 – Revision to process plan for the Monadnock Hydroelectric Project –FYI

SEC Public Hearing and Site Walk – April 30, 2012 -FYI

Other Business:

Antrim Planning Board letter to residents – Mr. Levesque asked to be reimbursed for his expenses for the letter sent to Antrim residents on March 9, 2012. A reimbursement form was submitted.

Garrad-Hassan invoice (consultant to the Planning Board AdHoc Committee) – Ms. Pinello has reviewed the two invoices, dated August 29, 2011 and November 13, 2011. The August bill had been paid, but the November bill was an unexpected invoice and had some confusing aspects. Review of the ordinance was not requested and a phone call with John Soininen was not authorized. It was also stated that the firm was working for both the Antrim Planning Board and Antrim Wind Energy. Several members stated that this was not ethical.  Ms. Pinello stated that she felt the bill should not be paid.
Motion: Ms. Pinello to author a letter to Garrad-Hassan expressing the Board’s concerns.
Motion made by: Vice Chair Lazar; seconded by Mr. Levesque.
Vote: Unanimous

9:40 PM
Motion: to adjourn meeting
Motion made by: Mr. Genest; seconded by Mr. Levesque.
Vote: Unanimous to adjourn

Respectfully submitted, Diane Chauncey, Secretary of the Planning Board